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Shelley Stagg

Star Consultant

(780) 994-9972

My Story

I first had discovered Scentsy by being gifted my very first warmer and a couple wax bars. My very first bar that I put in it was Perfectly Pomagranate. I instantly fell in love with their products. Being a single mom for many years, I bought myself a few bars every once and a while, being on a tight budget. Long story short, I went a while without being able to get any, and then my boyfriend surprised me with more for my birthday!!! and again I was completely hooked! I ended up needing a bulb, and they lady I ended up getting in contact with became a good friend real quick! Almost like we have known each other for several years! So here I am!!! I love the products, so why not!!! This gives me a chance to earn a bit of income since I am home with my children, and to get awesome deals on products I already love and use

My Favourite Scents